Whats good for men..is good for women
Just basic stuff..chicken, turkey breasts, lean red meat, tuna, fish, egg whites, cottage cheese...oatmeal, yams, rice, veggies etc..1-1.5 grams of protein per lb...I would have her take in at least 150-200 grams per day...she can rotate her carbs...high on days she trains and low on days she doesn't train..she should drink 1-1.5 gallons of water a day..leave out the junk food..breads..pastas..simple sugars..processed foods..make your own meals..that way you know what is in them..she should take in 20-30 grams of good fats..like olive oil, flax oil, natural peanutbutter...mix flax w/ your shakes if you dont like the taste..or put it on your veggies..6 meals a day...I would keep her away from cardio and just focus on heavy training and eating clean.she will see some nice lean muscle gain and loss of bodyfat as well.