SublimeZM said:
do fancy routines and rep schemes make a difference, or does all that matter is that you blast the muscle you are targetting that day, and eat for growth.
in other stimulating the muscle, stimulating the muscle, or are certain patterns and types of stimulus better/different.
if so, could you elaborate on the basic structure of how you feel a muscle group should be targetted
In my experience nothing fancy works well for long
I beleive the best way to achieve growth is through synergy of training, rest, diet, and supplements
for example
the body is in a highly androgenic state due to exogenous heavily androgenic AAS use. This is setting the stage for abundant growth of type 2a and type 2b muscle fibers. These are obviously fast twitch muscle fibers with high tension and low fatigue levels. Based heavily on the ATP/CP energy cycle.
with this being set we need a training methodology for targeting these particular muscle fiber types for maximal stimulation with their heightened propensity for growth at this time. Knowing this we institute very heavy training with moderate to high volume, low repititions, and ample rest between sets
And of course nutrition follows suit with a high calorie, extremely high protien intake to support the massive nutriet uptake we are experiencing due to our positive nitrogen balances and other factors
on the other hand if the body is in a highly anabolic state due to high insulin levels, GH, T3, PGF2E etc then we need more fascial manipulation. High rep, burning type stretching training with minimal rest to propograte growth of satellite cells and MGF facotrs to build support networks and such to handle more muscle mass
So again, it all boils down to synergy