first off genetics play a huge role in the appearnace of shoulders. Some of the greatest physiques have always shown mind blowing shoulders. Guys like Levrone, Dillet, Strydom, Cutler etc. Most of these guys have a naturally very wide shoulder structure and this helps. But for the rest of the pack not blessed we need to most efficient effective ways to blow up the side delts inorder to really have some impressive shoulders.
As I dont know if you are interested in a possible site enahncement protocol using AAS Ill assume you are NOT. Instead Ill present some of the best exercise techniques for getting huge delts.
1: Side laterals: Problem with this side delt builder is that we are limited by the top range of motion due to the severe mechanical disadvantage. Try this : take a pair of DB's about 2 times heavier than usual. Hold the DB's to your sides, tense the delts, push them out as far as you can directly to the side. Do quick, short reps. Do everything you can to JUST lift with only side delt strength. These suckers BURN!!
2: Incline side laterals: In case you havent noticed I am big on creating a stretch in the musle to aid in fascial stretching and support network creation. These suckers are awesome for the side delts. Sit back on an incline bench about 75 degrees. grab the DB's and hold them to your sides. Pull the shoulders BACK and never slouch. Do your laterals like usual and vary the incline of the bench between 60-75 degrees for maximal stimulation of the side delts
3: Wide grip upright rows: Thisis a great heavy compound exercise for the side delts. Grab the bar at shoulder width or wider and just pull the arms up to about parallel to the ground. Go heavy and hard on these
Add 1 or 2 of those to your workout brother and soon enough your delts will seriously add some critical mass..