Wulfgar said:QT
depends how hardcore you are really
Also by and large I think more people hurt themselves than hinder themselves by trying to change too much in the final week.
Fact of the matter is the depletion and loading part of the prep is for MINOR adjustments. Most bbers would have probably done better if they didnt deplete and load at all but instead work on losing more bf.
that being said I am a big beleiver in the bodies water heirarchy.
Broken down basically the ost important water store in the body is the blood and vascular system. 2nd on the big 3 is muscle tissue. laslty in this heirarchy is subQ water.
The key to sub Q water control depends on aldosterone. Obviously estrogen control is hugely important too(for some hardcore girls nolva/proviron stacks alleviated this problem as well as the difficulty most girls have in really drying out their legs). But our main focus is salt and water control, so aldosterone is key.
Beggining 15 days out from the show increase salt intake 20-30%. of course this is assuming salt was never reduced to begin with.The amount must stay high and steady daily. This creates a state where the body does not have to release aldosterone. Obviously the salt will stay in the muscle and the subsequent attraction of water stores there. The sodium-potassium pump is accomodated as well, which during dieting phases, is great.
During this time water intake MUST remain high. 1.5-2 gallons minimum(i personally do 3-4). This helps the body excrete excess sodium.
On thursday night before a sat show, stop water intake(except of course for enough to take vitamins and such). This will force a decrease in blood volume and of course muscle water volume. As a survival mechanism, the body will give up water from the skin and pump it into muscle and blood. The result is vascularity, full muscle bellies and paper thin skin.
As far as carb loading goes I am a huge beleiver in loading with wwhatever carbs you were using during your program. If rice was in the diet, load with rice, yams=yams etc. Ive seen so many people bloat up terribly eating a food that they werent used to. 2 days of loading should be fine depending how flat you were. I prefer 3 G per lb of BW. 50 mg test proprionate is also used with great effectiveness in women(done 2-3 days out, of course some people are very sensitive to water bloat from prop so they would obviously avoid it)
Also 2x a day a mix of 10 G creatine with 75 mg dextrose is very helpful.
I am like a camel I hold a sick amount of water it sucks so I would completely pass on the test prop. What if you don't use carbs ala Palumbo's diet I only get them once a week in my cheat meal? My biggest problem last show was my legs never came in right not sure what happen if it was the directic or I was simply not lean enough possib'y even walking too much the last week of prep I think. I am doing Ontatio's which is my provincal the competition is going to be real tough especially if I don't get down to middle weight.