General cutting philosophy has changed quite a bit over the years but has come back to a cyclic carb type program.
Ive tried them all and this seems to be the best way to maintain muscle mass and cut bodyfat most effectively. Ill generally have 3 types of day. A high carb day(3G per lb BW), moderate carb day(1.5 G per lb BM) and a low carb day (.75 G carbs per lb BM). Protein takes up roughly 2.5 G per lb LBM in pre contest mode. healthy fats make up the other 15-20%
The cycling changes as the show approaches. I am a big beleiver in eat my way IN to the show so as the show approaches I have less very low days and more moderate and high days depending on how lean I am.
Cardio changes almost weekly. By and far for the typical gym goer 3-45 min high intensity interval cardio 3-5 days a week is superior. A bodybuilder will vary between that, low intensity long duration cardio and double split sessions. this is ENTIRELY dependant upon energy, carb levels and the " look" the bodybuilder is currently at and after.
T3 is a great drug I use for gaining, cutting and maintaining gains. I could write a book on T3 use, benefits(and risks), protocols, and theories.