jeremys said:
but you have to remember that, in a competition, it often takes a bit to get the bar to touch, then you have to pause for a couple more seconds, when you're training DE bench with no pause at all
i know for sure my touch-n-go bench in the gym goes up w/ DE benching, but in competition, there's the equipment issue
Yes, that's true. (Even though I do not compete.) But from what I have experienced myself, the speed does help with the lift. (Eccentric?) I can hold the bar on my chest as long as I need to, and still explode up. And I don't use a shirt. All my bench moves, boards or not, are done with a 1-2 sec pause.
All I know, at least for me, the speed has been a huge help in getting my bench weight higher. Why? I am not an expert in the technical portion of that. But, I do know it works for me. And a hell of a lot of other people.