Currently on a Dbol/Test cycle and on arm day my elbows get sore. Maybe I’m lifting too heavy due to the increased strength. What’s the best solution, is there any thing else that can help other than ice packs and rest?
Currently on a Dbol/Test cycle and on arm day my elbows get sore. Maybe I’m lifting too heavy due to the increased strength. What’s the best solution, is there any thing else that can help other than ice packs and rest?
Currently on a Dbol/Test cycle and on arm day my elbows get sore. Maybe I’m lifting too heavy due to the increased strength. What’s the best solution, is there any thing else that can help other than ice packs and rest?
Currently on a Dbol/Test cycle and on arm day my elbows get sore. Maybe I’m lifting too heavy due to the increased strength. What’s the best solution, is there any thing else that can help other than ice packs and rest?
It happened because I was doing barbell curls with the 90lb bar. I’ll stick to the 80 and see how it goes. My last arm day was Saturday. Next arm day is Wednesday. I fell better today than I did yesterday. Today is chest so I should be ok with that.