I dont know if I have ever been so nervous in my entire life to just see some old friends.. the night before the show we had all planned to go out for dinner.... now a year ago probably even 6 months ago there is NO WAY in hell I would have mentally and spiritually been able to walk through that door.... I know what you are thinking oh its just dinner right... well my way to deal with everything in life is to do just isolate myself... I NEVER let the people around me know that anything is wrong... If I have to I will walk around with a fake smile on my face because I dont let people in past my boundries.. Only the few close friends I have, my bitch book, and you lovely ladies really know who I really am...
well even though I was nervous I was able to walk through that door with my head held high.. and everyone welcomed me with open arms... everyone was so happy to have me there I really haven't felt so loved by a group of people like this... a few people asked what had happend and I told them and that was probably the biggest release of my life... I dont have to hide anymore... That is the greatest gift I have ever gotten!!