TheProject: And as I have said before, if you're a proponent of what works, then why in the flying fuck would you ever support volume training? Sure "some" people make "some" gains but that doesn't mean it's all that effective. I know people that have gained doing 10 sets of 10. So fucking what? How many trainees here can deadlift 600 pounds? How many are even close? How many got there naturally, and ARE SMALL? Instead of focusing on fucking bullshit routines that have you doing 20 sets per bodypart to "ensure complete development" and hit the muscle from "all angles" whatever the fuck that is, how bout you try and achieve these huge lifts? I got news for you buddy, When you're [over]training 5 days a week it gets pretty fucking tough to consistantly add weight to the bar. I guarantee you'll plateau way before you exhaust your potential. But listen to the muscle mag routines, I'm sure those people have your best interests at heart. Forget Stuart McRobert and his brethren, who have helped god knows how many people realize their goals (higher goals than many people I see here that have done many cycles, by the way), and go read your latest issue of T-mag, AND YOU'LL GAIN 40 LBS IN 6 WEEKS!
spatts: I'm not saying it's "high volume" just highER volume than many can tolerate. Iron Addict followed it TO THE LETTER (and I know of few more experienced/knowledgable than he) and overtrained. He said many of the principles are great, and once he modified it to suit his recovery, he gained on every lift every week. He said the downside was his joints were torn up pretty bad, and that you need pretty robust joints to follow such a program.
spatts: I'm not saying it's "high volume" just highER volume than many can tolerate. Iron Addict followed it TO THE LETTER (and I know of few more experienced/knowledgable than he) and overtrained. He said many of the principles are great, and once he modified it to suit his recovery, he gained on every lift every week. He said the downside was his joints were torn up pretty bad, and that you need pretty robust joints to follow such a program.