My macronutrient plan is a little different....
I eat a LOT of meat... I mean a lot... I've had 5 chicken breasts so far today... lol...
Anyways.. heres what i try to do...
I take ALA 3 times a day, with my 3 biggest meals
I try to keep my first 4 meals between 20-40g carbs with the exception of my first meal which I allow myself to have upwards of 50g... but usually closer to 40g
My first meal usually consists of 30-50g carbs
Usually roughly 300g fat free/low carb yogurt with 1/4 cub of raw oats
close to 40g carbs, and about 15g protein
Post workout drink (up to 30 g carbs)
2 hours later
Cottage cheese and a can of tuna and one slice of brown bread
Roughly 25g carbs
2 hours later
2-3 chicken breasts and 1 half baked potatoe and a couple cups of green beans
5km light jog
post jog
a cup of yogurt and 1/8 cup of oats
2 hours later 1 steak or more chicken with green beans, maybe some corn...
My diet really varies
Basically the whole point of the plan im on is to use carbs strictly for fuel... so mainly pre workout and a little post workout... I can explain it much better in my head than i can type it out. I am then eating a LOT of protein easily 200g+ a day. I am not getting too much fat but if i do eat fat I try to have very minimal carbs with it. Any carbs i eat after about 3-4 in the afternoon i try to get ONLY from fiborous sources such as beans or veggies....
Thats my basic breakdown..
If you want a better break down msn me...
[email protected]
I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow to give you guys a better reading of what I'm weighing... I havn't weighed myself for a week since i took some time off... so i could be a bit lighter