endpoint said:
With the type of training that you do...do you see much of a gain in any of the powerlifts.(im guessing that you progress alot in deadlifting....but what about squats and bench press????)
Does the endurance stuff ruin your maximal strength?
before you switched to strongman stuff how did you train (as a powerlifter? body builder?)
thankyou very much....in advance
I believe that my powerlifts slowly increase although I rarely ever give it 100% on my gym lifts. I constantly push that 90-95% range though on ME days. A lot of my events (atlas stones, farmers walk, super yoke, etc..) have a lot of carry over to my deadlift and squats.
As far as the bench press...I am horrible at it. I feel that you can either focus on the flat bench press or the overhead press...and my main focus is on overhead. The flat bench press does very little for any event that I do and the incline and the overhead fit in well.
A lot of the endurance training that I get helps me to be in better shape. I am a big guy, not too lean, but I am in very good physical condition cardio wise. I always thought that because I was in better shape..my muscles could perform better...who knows though.
From 1994-1999 or 2000 I trained at a local gym as a bodybuilder. I then bought some equipment and began training at home to save time and money. From that point I began to train more on the powerlifts and to be creative about my training. I started training more for strength at this point. At one point I weighed 305...all in my home gym.
February of 2001 I bought a small tire to flip and had a 2" thick bar made that I began to train with. I did my first contest in June of 2001 and it just hit it off from there.
The main reason that my powerlifts have declined is that I do not put a lot of focus on them. I don't do box squats to improve my deadlift but to improve my atlas stones and my tire flip. I just don't put much focus on my gym lifts because they don't mean "hoot" on contest day...kinda like having abs to a powerlifter...what does it matter on contest day...it doesn't.
I encourage everyone to try the event training if they can find any equipment. I feel that a lot of these exercises can be good for powerlifters...especially the farmers, super yoke, and the atlas stones.
B True