Yeah, i know where Murray is. Can't make it over there though. I'm in college in Nashville right now. We played a Rugby game in murray last fall against Murray State. Im not sure if we play them this year or not.
You mentioned that you took Aleve. Aleve, and all other NSAIDS (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) inhibit muscle growth, so be careful with how much you take.
I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything, just some food for thought.
I wouldn't have missed the babtism for the world, my uncle's first child.... Keep stretching though the lifts are real tough on te back so I stretch after and usually hang a little to relieve some stress on the lower back, plus plenty of flex-all
johnb: I know...just in some serious pain and have to squat on Wednesday. I want 500 on the box squat after my 8 speed sets too!!! Gotta work through the pain...I can wimp out after October 5.
Lord_Suston: PM me the baby's first name. I would like to say a personal prayer for them.
Ibuprofen, Orudis KT, and Icy Hot are some of my best friends right now. I am not as sore as b fold, but then I didn't dead 500 for 13 reps...That is for next week, lol.
Ibuprofen, Orudis KT, and Icy Hot are some of my best friends right now. I am not as sore as b fold, but then I didn't dead 500 for 13 reps...That is for next week, lol.
painful Saturday,.. Sunday... Monday... and even a little today... a deep tissue massage and gallons of ben gay have saved me... thanks for the great workout b fold... bearitto was no slouch either... next time i'll press that bear of a log too...
painful Saturday,.. Sunday... Monday... and even a little today... a deep tissue massage and gallons of ben gay have saved me... thanks for the great workout b fold... bearitto was no slouch either... next time i'll press that bear of a log too...