DAY 1:
Squats 5X5 --> 255 (Getting stronger every workout on Squats, but since I'm new to ATF squats, I'm scared to add more than 10 lbs per workout)
Incline 1X5 --> 235 (Really pushed me to my max, last rep was my last)
Rows 1X5 --> 165 (the last rep on set 5 was definitely my last rep, I barely made it a complete rep)
ABS --> 3X25 Seated Knee-Ins
DAY 2:
Squats 5X5 --> 235
Deadlifts --> 245
Military Press: 155X2 , 145X3
CU/PU 5X5: BW, Palms Out
--Squats were not so fresh today, I felt off/weaker
--Deadlifts are still going up (20lbs per week), I'm liking my new stance.
--I went as heavy as I could go today on Military Press, I had to back up 10 lbs on set 3-5.
--My 5 sets at BW on PU/CU were awesome. Today was the strongest I've ever felt doing them before, I'm afraid I'm addicted to them!
DAY 3:
Squats 1X5 --> 265 (definitely tougher, I was way out of breath come sets 4 and 5)
Incline Bench Press 5X5 --> 225 (I cant friggin believe I made all sets and reps, I thought it was a shot in the dark based on the past 3 weeks with this exercise)
Rows 5X5 --> 155 (definitely got out of breath and even had to rest pause a few reps towards the end. Definitely took me to the max...)
SUMMARY Week 1-4:
Overall, I am very satisfied with my first loading phase. The increases in weight are very nice, I've gone up at least 20-50 lbs on every lift. I feel very achy at this point in the game, I'm mentally and physically looking forward to the deload/intensity phase. I know the gains are still gonna come and that motivates me even more. Hell, 20-50 lbs lift increase already and I haven't even started the second phase yet?
Looking forward to Thursday...