1 day - ( CHEST ) - Bench full depth 3x3 50 %
2x2 80 %
Partial wide grip bench press 3x4-6
Incline dbs 3x8-10
Db flyes+db press(when u complete your db flye set,continue with a db press set with the same weights)3x10
Dips 3x10-15 with rest-pause for the 2 last sets
Treadmill intervals 30 seconds your 80% max speed follow by a 60 seconds 50 % speed about 10 to 15 times
2 day - ( Back/Hamstrings ) - Depend of your choice of deadlift move 8x2 your 70 to 80 % max
Bent over rows 3x3 your 60 % with rage
2x2 your 80 % with brutality
1x8 painfully
Close chins up dont go too far you dont want to involve your bis, try to squeeze your homoplatas all the time 4x8-12
Rowings i want you to go far as possible an try to touch your elbows behing your back 4x8
Stiffed leg db deadlift STRETCH YOUR HAMSTRINGS 4x10
Glutes ham raises 4xmaximum
3 day - Shoulders/Abs - Push press 4x5
One arm rear deltoid at the rope, FULL RANGE OF MOTION mean that you start at the opposit shoulder and go to the maximum range ( fkg effectiv ) 3x10-12
Lateral shoulder raise , a classic but, your arms at 90 degress try to only move your upper arms really control it and very slow exentrics 3x10-12
Snatchs , like the snath movement in weighlifting but the bodybuilder version keep standing and feel all your muscles 3x10-12
Abs wheel or the body saw 4xmaximum
Jack knife on the bench 4xmaximum
Treadmill 2x1 miles
4 - day ARMS Seated incline curls start with the hammer move finish the motion with the supination move 4x8
In superset with a db skulls 4x8
Bb curls wait 1 second at the bottom to be sure to get the full range of motion and squeeze hard at the end 4x10-12
In superset with close grip bench press 4x10-12
Rope hammer bicep curls 3x 3 reps wait 15 seconds do your max more wait 15 seconds etc till u get 8 reps in supersert with triceps rope pushdown do the same
Standing bb wrist curls under your back 5x10-15
Reverse db wrist curls your arm must be strech dont bend your elbows 5x10-15
5 -day QUADS/Calves Squat start from the bottom in the rack 8x2 80% of your max at this movement
Full depth squat, dont get scared to go down 4x4
One leg leg press 4x8
Sissy's squats 4x10-15
Calves on the leg press, dont bend your knees 6x10-15
6 - day Final destruction - Full depth squat, yes again so what ? FEEL IT 4x6
Bench press 8x3 at your 50 to 60 %
Chins-ups no weight 6x2
Abs wheel or body saw 4xmax
Hangings leg raises, but you start the movement at 90 degrees, if you go down you gonna involve some quads muscles not your abs 4xmax
Treadmill 3 miles