KRS said:
Well let me make sure I understand this correctly, your breast are made up of fat mostly, so if you work out and build muscle that fat turns into muscle. So if you're a woman already with small breast it's quicker to turn that little fat you have into muscle right
Nope, PSB is right. Fat doesn't turn to muscle. Fat is ADIPOSE TISSUE... it's stored energy. It burns *very* little calories, it's innactive tissue.
Muslce is *active* tissue & burns more calories at rest (watching TV, reading Elite) AND at work.
They are totally different substances... one can never "become" the other. That's like saying your bones can turn into fat or your organs can turn into muscles... they're all totally differnt things.
OK, you've been working out & your breasts are smaller... but is the fat you have/had elsewhere smaller TOO??? (like on your tummy, butt, thighs, etc.) It should be. You lost fat everywhere, & that includes breasts.
Like I said... W6's comment is *just* as true. Making the quadriceps stronger and/or bigger has just as much effect on the amount of spongey tissue in a guy's schlong & the size it can grow to when enlarged with blood as the size/strength of a woman's pec muscles has on her breast size / amount of fat in breasts.--> No effect & no relevance at all!
I know it is confusing trying to drop myths, but I think everyone is happy to answer any questions if someone is confused. So I hope this helps.