FERAL HOG it the correct term at least here in Florida.
Most of them are Pigs that were domestic years ago and escaped and have gone wild.
They range in color from light brown for some females to very dark and course bristles for hair on the males.
Some of them can get over 200 pounds and the males have large sharp tusks and can be very aggressive.
Yes, Dogs are Almost a must, but I used to hunt hogs without them.
Make sure the dogs know what they are doing, have at least 3 of them and do not be surprised if one of them gets cut open.
You will look for an area that is all rooted up and the ground torn
up from them. Usually around a wet area.
I use a short winchester 30 30 with a zoom Scope.
If you are hunting without dogs you do not want to come up on a large male too close. They will charge you and tear your legs up with the tusks. Use a stand or take them from a distance.
When hunting hogs, I ALWAYS carry a sidearm after being chased up a tree and having to drop my rifle when a huge male charged.
The meat is kinda greasy but not too bad unless you get an OLD tough male.. You will need to either skin it or use boiling water to remove the bristles when dressing them out.
The small ones are the best for eating.
The Tusks make a good trophy.