No not really. I think the draw was that it was a major multi-federation event that will be televised. A few points made by the meets director, makes sense to me:
"To whom it may concern:
I ask that you do no get caught up in the word "Sanction." I can tell you that a lift is only as good as the federation you lift in. If you lift in a touch and go sanction, does that have more merit because it it "sanctioned?"
At BenchAmerica, we strictly enforced 2 layer open back poly or denim - no third layers, no inserts, no canvas. Every shirt was checked and marked. The standard rules for the lift were applied including a motionless press call.
It was judged by world class judges from the APF, WPO, and USAPL. Every lifter had the same rules applied, same weigh in, same scale, same bench, same bar, same weights.
BenchAmerica is the All-star game of powerlifting (benchpress only) and will grow to be a National Prominent event. Whatever a lifter gets at this event is good. Exhibition? Ask Mike Lambert, Wes Kampen, Sports Illustrated, WGN TV, Fox Sports Net, The Daily Herald (that gave our meet front page color), The Daily Courier, the thousands of fans, the 59 other best lifters.
As far as Scot's lift, he went through the same check everyone else did - 825 - official? If you were attempting an all time world record, wouldn't it make it more official that you did it here. No disrespect (since there are a lot of good sanctions) but anyone can start a sanction in powerlifting by charging an annual fee and that's it - it an official sanction.
It's your call but I ask you not to get into the "sanctioning" when it comes to lifts at BenchAmerica. I went down the list and with the exception of a few lifts, everybody's lift was below their best. Remember, our rules were somewhere in between and strictly enforced.
Thanks to all of the best being there. We are working on next year already and are reviewing the good and the bad. We will also be in touch with sanction heads for more input as we tried last year. We need an event like this in powerlifting to bring more exposure to the sport.
You be the judge - watch it this Saturday or Sunday on Fox Sports Net Chicago, Detroit, or South.
And again, thanks to everyone for a team effort. I saw some amazing lifts and a lot of personalities come together for one day and battle it out. It was a good thing. We are going after sponsors now and we'll be back for BenchAmerica II.
My best to all,
Joe Mukite "