The Shadow
treilin said:FEB 21
Yohimburn lotion, hydroxy cut
M1 protein, low-carb yogurt, glucorell-r
M2 peanuts unsalted
M3 egg whites (5), 1 C spinach, 5 ritz wheat crackers
M4 strawberries 1C, Low-fat cottage cheese (1C)
M5 3 turkey meatballs, 1C Low-Carb pasta, Green peas (1C)
M6 protein, 1.5C milk, Flax seed oil, glucorell-r
Well my baggage got lost on the way back up here from my trip... so all my supplements got lost... I had some glucorell-r at home, hydroxycut, and yohimburn lotion left. I ordered more of everything last night including creatine. I am going to get some more glutamine next week at GNC when I get the discount. So that's why I'm using Hydroxycut now...
What is your opinion on taking the Hydroxycut for awhile Shadow? I did order some more Trex but was wondering how long it takes for the body to become immune to the substance?
that depends on the frequency and dosing.
I can take for 3-4 weeks at a time
start with half the rec dosage and work up to full dosing in 1-2 weeks