This guy is a inch taller, and is about 8 lbs heavier and is stated that he has a 4 inch disadvantage to your guy. Yet, he looks big as a house and a helluva a lot bigger than The Hawaiian Guy *kimona wanna blow ya*
I also must say that I think that this is a gay site...I mean the dudes are bodybuilders...but they are shooting photo's like models or ass pirates. My thoughts... could care less though.
Definitely a gay site. These guys are selling videos of themselves posing and stripping and dancing. Also, if you look at some of the pics, these guys are pulling their underwear down to see their ass......not that I have anything against gays...but
both of em are acting like a bunch of queers......they need to cut it out!!!! Second guy is probably "topping" the first.......he reminded me of perry saturn.
So the question is..... If you could make a very comfortable living just by documenting some of your workouts, a couple hours in a pool and maybe flashing your ass once or twice, knowing it would mostly be seen by gay men, would you do it?
I'm thinking most of you would. Hell, I would. If someone wants to buy a video of me taking a shower in slow motion I'd be all over that. Who fucking cares who watches it. If you're not gay and you're not doing gay things, what's the problem.