New member
I am going to do a one armed pull-up. Screw that 1 person out of 100,000 garbage, or some other statistic. I'm breaking all kinds of statistics in my ACLR rehab now, why not bust another? I can't do alot of stuff in the gym, so why not try the impossible for upper body? I haven't decided which arm to try, just yet, however I believe I'm going to do the right. For the record I am left handed. For some reason my left arm has the motor skills and my right has the strength, though I pretty ambidextrous in just about everything. Its going to be a complete hang, starting from dead stop one armed chin. I will to touch my forehead to whatever I'm holding on to with my hand. I'll be doing it underhanded with all of my fingers around the bar. The other hand will be resting at my side. For a comparison, I'm 5 foot 7 and weigh 173 (yes, I've lost like 30 pounds in the past three months since the ACL injury
). I think I have some pics on here in a thread I started if you want to see what I looked like then. I plan on doing one by one month from today, so that's July 11th. I'll keep this thread updated with my progress.