I am currently 5.9% BF at 170lbs 5' 7"
my goals; gain mass to bulk and add strength gains to each lift. i have been working out for 4 1/2 years so far and work with a men's physique competitor who helps me meal prep/ diet.
Does this look correct? first cycle for aas wise
Weeks 1-10; test e 250mg 2x a week Monday & Thursday
Weeks 1-4; D-Bol- Methandrostenolone; 30 mgs then 40 mgs if no sides end of week 2 (workout days; 1 hour pre & 1 hour post) (non workout days- spread evenly 3x)
Weeks 1-12; Arimidex .50mgs EOD
PCT; weeks 13-16
Nolva 40-40-20-20
Clomid 50-50-50-50
should i run 40mgs for all 4 weeks? also do you prefer arimidex or aromasin
I have taking a Ph cycle before; Halo extreme 3 caps, decadrol 3 caps, 4 andro rx 4 caps, and week 7-10 ultra male Rx, weeks 1-8 advance cycle support Rx, weeks 7-10 E-Control Rx... loved the strength and gains i made from this cycle, had no sides and blood work came back good from before and after cycle comparison.
Thank you for your time!
my goals; gain mass to bulk and add strength gains to each lift. i have been working out for 4 1/2 years so far and work with a men's physique competitor who helps me meal prep/ diet.
Does this look correct? first cycle for aas wise
Weeks 1-10; test e 250mg 2x a week Monday & Thursday
Weeks 1-4; D-Bol- Methandrostenolone; 30 mgs then 40 mgs if no sides end of week 2 (workout days; 1 hour pre & 1 hour post) (non workout days- spread evenly 3x)
Weeks 1-12; Arimidex .50mgs EOD
PCT; weeks 13-16
Nolva 40-40-20-20
Clomid 50-50-50-50
should i run 40mgs for all 4 weeks? also do you prefer arimidex or aromasin
I have taking a Ph cycle before; Halo extreme 3 caps, decadrol 3 caps, 4 andro rx 4 caps, and week 7-10 ultra male Rx, weeks 1-8 advance cycle support Rx, weeks 7-10 E-Control Rx... loved the strength and gains i made from this cycle, had no sides and blood work came back good from before and after cycle comparison.
Thank you for your time!