warm up
135 x 15
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 12
Hip Leg press
270 x 15
360 x 15
450 x 15
540 x 15
630 x 15
Leg Curls
90 x 15
110 x 15
120 x 15
125 x 10
Seated Calve raises
45 x 15
90 x 15
135 x 15
180 x 20
Nice day kept it moderate my legs finally feel good no strains or pain but didnt want to push it to the 720 on the hip leg press this time. I think 315 x 12 is the most I have pushed it on the squat. I believe I finally will start making progess with the squat kept working around the leg injury kinda frustrating but its a marathon not a sprint right ? Did't a tortoise race a hare once lol jk