I've always done deep heavy squats because I'm a weird one and actually like to squat most of the time anyway. About three weeks ago I maxed on bench and got 290 for 1RM and squat max was 375 for 1RM. I wanted to know what my three heavy lifts totalled so I decided to test myself on deads, which I never do or train for. I started at 225 and of course that was very easy, I then went to 315, 365, and 385, and finished at 405 for a 1RM. So my total weight for 1RM's came to 1070 pounds. Back in high school the thousand pound club was a big deal, it's sad it took me so long after H.S. to break that, but oh well. Anyway the reason for this posts is I'm wondering where I should start my deadlift weight at if I plan to use the 5x5 routine and I have a 1RM of 405. I was thinking about 275 should be right, but any input would be appreciated.