Lord_Suston said:All right everyone the name calling can stop, this is a debate not a war...
Casual you make some good points...
I just can't train that much since I focus on compounds that I don;t like compromising my form cause other secondary muscles are weak....I just find many groups overlap in a week
if you cycle intensity then I could see where it might work but I don't like going throught the motions when I can go balls to the wall.
I am not after size alone either, I post my lifts they are not based for size. I want strength and speed
Overlap issue: It can have an impact, but not so much if you are not maxing out every session.
Balls to the wall issue: "I don't like going through the motions when I can go balls to the wall."- you That's simply a preference, not a requirement. What you don't "like" doesn't mean it would not be best for you. If you say you find it to produce best for you, that is BECAUSE you enjoy going balls to the wall, so you'll naturally be more motivated to achieve progress under such a system. Still, unnecessary.
To all- The ad hominem arguments just make some of you guys seem too stupid to follow the valid argument that was going on. Congrats to those who avoided using them.