Oh Miss S and Miss J, yes Miss M too!!!!
Not out of control, not harrasing the man...We made a deal before I moved in...
You can ironman train, you can race...
BUT...yes in bold no "invisible dotted line" here...
before you go (and it's not the book by C. Kennedy)
La chica quiereeeeeeeeee!!!
Yes, instant translation...the girls wants some....
(keeps my head away from estrogenic fat) LMAOROF.....
Have a great laugh on me!
S...have a great day...I love oats too! try them when diet permits: Raw with frapee milk or water (simulating margarita) diced strawberries, walnuts, diced apple, raisins, and of course artificial sweetner....
You are going to love it!!!
Oh by the way if you have chicken and broccoli often @ chineese...it's #69...