How you bulk is up to you really. Just always keep in mind that the more muscle you have, the more calories your body needs. You have to eat more! This doesn't mean you need to go out and eat Snickers bars all day, even though that's fun. You can still bulk by eating a clean bulking diet. Just keep the calories above maintenance level at all times and keep the protein and carbs high. I have done a two week rotation before, two weeks bulking, two weeks cutting, and after about three months I put on about 8 pounds of muscle and about 4 of fat. I have also bulked solid for several months, and taken a couple of months to cut, and that worked as well. Just do what is easiest for you. I am by no means cut right now, see pics of me on b fold's posts, but I feel that I have put on a decent amount of muscle over the past 4 years, and I did it by eating, and eating some more. Your training is only a small part of attaining more muscle. The growth comes from eating and getting plenty of sleep.