Being lean makes me feel good. I got up to 260lbs during the winter and got to the point where I didn't wanna look myself in the mirror.
My face got bloated up, the defenition in my muscles faded, and I had a stomach and lovehandles.
I don't care about the getting layed part as I have a gf and had one back then, it is more of a personal issue.
One thing though, getting to super low bodyfat range isn't all that good for me as I need to cut carbs drastically. If I cut carbs too zero, than my strength suffers. Rather get my 500g+ carbs for now.
easy way to lower bf%, add more muscle. if you have 20lbs of fat at 100lbs then you are 20% fat. but if you weighed 300 then you would have roughly 6%. that's my theory and I am sticking to it