Keeping my shoulders "behind the bar" when I deadlift. This seems impossible for me to do
I read an article by Dave tate, and he said that thoughout the deadlift the bar should intersect your shoulder, and your front delt should allways be infront of the bar.
Hi Dave,
I was just re-reading your article on Top Ten Deadlift
Mistakes, and was wondering what you meant by keeping the
shoulders behind the bar. What part? In other words, if I look
at someone deadlifting from the side, and run a
vertical line up from the bar, where does it intersect the shoulder?
Early on you seemed to say at the scapula, later
it sounded more like the front delt. I try to do this
and I have a hard time keeping the bar that far forward.
Basically seems my arms want to hang vertical, with
a line connecting the bar and my shoulder socket. I don't
see how to do it any other way. Thanks.
You want to try and keep the bar behind the front delts from the time you begin the pull to finish. Some people will start with them in front then shift back before the pull off the floor.