How often do you think I should change my routine Radar? I was thinking about using this one the throughout the 10 week cycle.
Day 1: Chest/Tri’s
Chest: Inc. Bench Press 3x (12,10,8)
Flat DB Press 3x (12,10,8)
Flat DB Flyes 3x (12,10,8)
Cable Flyes (low)3x (12,10,8)
Tri’s: Close Grip Bench 3x (12,10,8)
Lying French Press 3x (12,10,8)
Elbow Out Ext. 3x (12,10,8)
Rev. cable pressdowns 3x (15,12,10)
Day 2: Back/Bi’s
Back: 45# Plate raised 2x (warm-up)
Deadlifts 3x (12,10,8) (one warm-up set)
Wide grip lat pulldown 3x (12,10,8)
T-Bar Rows 3x (12,10,8)
Seated cable rows (12,10,8)
Bi’s: Barbell Curls 3x (12,10,8)
DB Preacher Curls 3x (12,10,8)
Spider Curls 3x (12,10,8)
Crossover Curls 3x (15,12,10)
Day 3: Legs
Squats: 3x (12,10,8)
Leg Press 3x (12,10,8)
Leg Ext, 3x (12,10,8)
Leg Curls 3x (12,10,8)
Calf Raised 4x (15,12,10,8)
Day 4: Shoulders/Traps
Barbell Press 3x (12,10,8)
Upright Rows 3x (12,10,8)
Side Raises 3x (12,10,8)
Front Raises 3x (12,10,8) (alternated weekly with bent over db raises for rear delts)
Shrugs (alternated w/DB&BB each week) (12,10,10,8)