i beg to differ, its quite simple really, all you have to do is persuade your roommate to leave college, leaving you with the room to yourself, note: this is best acheived by establishing your dominance as the alpha male, to gain alpha maledom, simply beat your roomates ass a few times the first week of school, show him whos boss, after he leaves sell all his stuff to buy a combo power rack from EFS, you can make extra room for a glut-ham by throwing any furniture alotted to him by the school out the window. Now things get even better if you have suite mates,(an adjoiniing room or somthing) simply establish alpha maledom with them as well and then you can have one room for living and one room for training. in the one room you may now have room for a rev hyper!!! which you will easily be able to afford by selling your suitemates car he will ante up the first week of school after he gets wind of your dominance. there you have it a simple solution to a frustrating problem. oh yeah if housing gives you any problem just ignor them, what do they know anyway. and remember nothing gets in the way of training.