Here's my low volume workout that I'm doing now
all concetric movements are done explosively and the negatives on a 3-4 count. All to failure where possible
general warmup
2x6 Jump Hang snatches - light bar
2x6 Jump Hang Snatches with Olympic bar
3 standing vertical jumps
straight after the jumps, Back Squat 1x8
3 standing long jumps
straight after the jumps, Front squat 1x8 (olympic grip)
Single leg standing leg curl 1x8
Toe calf jump - bodyweight x10
(using only your calves to jump into the air and going back straight up upon landing with minimal delay)
Toe calf jump - with dumbells x 10 - to build fast twitch fibres in my calves
Standing calf raise - 1x10 (not to failure, I hold thr top position for a 2-3 count)
toe ups - opposite of calf raise to build the shin muscles
2x15 (just using bodyweight for now and not to failure)
Dumbell incline with flye grip 1x10
Incline Flye 1x10
Single arm dumbell row on Bench 1x10
Chin 10 reps
Single arm dumbell shoulder press 1x10
Lying side laterals 1x10
Lying rear laterals 1x10
Lying L-laterals for external rotary cuffs 2x15 ( not to failure)
Dumbell curl 1x10
Incline dumbell curl 1x10
Dumbell standing tricep extension 1x10
Singel arm tricep pressdowns 1x10
Abs full range crunch 3 sets to 15 reps, with arms behind head, then no arms and then with weights.
That's it
Bare in mind this is a guide, reps are max, I will sometimes go as low as 5 when my poundages go up and then I work up to 10. If I hit 10 I will not do anymore, so in that case I don't go to failure in that exercise, and I will increase the poundage the next workout.
Some exercises such as snatches and abs are not done to failure for obvious reasons.
I'm still testing things out, but That's my current workout I'm using now. It is geared more for my athletic goals rather than straight out bodybuilding, but I do want a bit of size to go with it.