Here is an interesting study that shows that protein synthesis foloowing training actually increases higher at the 24 hr. mark. This would indeed confirm why some folks who believe in low gi(oats/protein for instance) still make gains. Such as the point I made in a prior post that before we knew all the "science", what did we do? We went home, ate a 1/2 lb. of ground round and a plate of pasta. Guess what, we still gained!
In the "old days", we had no idea of dextrose, malto, etc. We did not even have creatine. The top supplements we had were Hoffman Milk and Egg(hardly fast digesting), Weider crap, Hot Stuff, etc. There were some pretty dam good physiques built back then.
Not saying that the hi gi pwo drink scenario is wrong, I in fact subscribe to it myself. Am just pointing out that your gains will not be null and void if you do not get a drink in you in 18.5 minutes or some crazy figure.
Point being, protein synthesis is elevated close to 30 hrs., then returns to baseline. So, eat, eat, eat in that timeframe.
Here it is......
The time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis following heavy resistance exercise.
MacDougall JD, Gibala MJ, Tarnopolsky MA, MacDonald JR, Interisano SA, Yarasheski KE.
Department of Kinesiology, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario.
It has been shown that muscle protein synthetic rate (MPS) is elevated in humans by 50% at 4 hrs following a bout of heavy resistance training, and by 109% at 24 hrs following training. This study further examined the time course for elevated muscle protein synthesis by examining its rate at 36 hrs following a training session. Six healthy young men performed 12 sets of 6- to 12-RM elbow flexion exercises with one arm while the opposite arm served as a control. MPS was calculated from the in vivo rate of incorporation of L-[1,2-13C2] leucine into biceps brachii of both arms using the primed constant infusion technique over 11 hrs. At an average time of 36 hrs postexercise, MPS in the exercised arm had returned to within 14% of the control arm value, the difference being nonsignificant.
It is concluded that following a bout of heavy resistance training, MPS increases rapidly, is more than double at 24 hrs, and thereafter declines rapidly so that at 36 hrs it has almost returned to baseline.
Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial
PMID: 8563679 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]