Cool thing is I just started really working my legs out within the past 18-24 months. And, even then that was squatting on the smith machine, leg extensions, hammy's etc. Standard club exercises. I went and spent some time working out with Spatts, Hannibal and Project and they introduced me to box squats, kneeling squats, pull throughs, good mornings, proper squatting form and some other exercises about 2-3 months ago and my legs and weights have absolutely blown up since. My upper body is definitely further along than my lower body, so, yeah I'm guilty of that offense, but, the legs are definitely coming along very nicely now.
The_Eviscerator said:
Very nice, where do you weigh in at?
I did 585 for 6 reps rock bottom last year at 205Lbs, but I was on tren so it doesn't really count (I am still paying for that set with a strained sartorious)
Damn, you one tall mutha! That makes your accomplishment even more impressive. You don't see too many guys that tall squatting big weight. Physics is not your friend at that height! Good Job!