keep it up needsize....lord suston, on your last set and rep of deads, after you get it up, stand there and hold it for as long as can. Hold untill your calluses rip and your hands just cant take it anymore. Its done wonders for my grip strength
Hy Needsize,
How did you get your grip that strong??? After about 455 my grip starts to give. and I cant perform more than 2 without straps. Any suggestions....
On strength levels I have to say that s one major ass deadlift, keep it up.
I've never really done anything special for grip, just always avoided straps and my grip progressed along with everything else. I've started targetting lately anyway, to bring up forarm size a bit, so I've been finishing my set of deads, say 8 on 515lbs, then locking out for 20-30 seconds at the end. Then when my entire back routine is finished, I'll do some farmers walks around the gym with the 125lb db's. Thats the only time my grip ever fails, but it blows my forearms up like crazy