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Approved Log My 2024 Testosterone Equipoise cycle Log

Yeah I’m okay, sort of adjusting to doing so well then starting at the bottom again. Stamina seems off so does my mind right now.
@man05 so you're back training? not clear bro
pleases start sharing again
This week I did lots of cardio, my body finally feels healthy again to lift. Monday I’m starting a new meso cycle 4 days per week. Heavy two days then higher reps as before but just not as many reps.
Focus on conditioning and strength. I had to switch antibiotics the first caused diarrhea pretty bad the other made me constipated, I’m just glad my sinuses are clear and I’m not taking pharma meds I felt like trash and my j be odd had no energy. I plan to keep this cruise/ workout thing going with weekly updates of my program and my diet. Will post updates Monday and get some pictures of where I’m at in a week or so, still have some definition but the time off and lower calorie meals I definitely lost some weight, oh well now I can gain it all back. I need to close this log and make a cruise log to maintain for awhile.
@man05 so you're back training? not clear bro
pleases start sharing again
Monday look for program and meal updates, similar but less calories and less reps on my lighter days
This week I did lots of cardio, my body finally feels healthy again to lift. Monday I’m starting a new meso cycle 4 days per week. Heavy two days then higher reps as before but just not as many reps.
Focus on conditioning and strength. I had to switch antibiotics the first caused diarrhea pretty bad the other made me constipated, I’m just glad my sinuses are clear and I’m not taking pharma meds I felt like trash and my j be odd had no energy. I plan to keep this cruise/ workout thing going with weekly updates of my program and my diet. Will post updates Monday and get some pictures of where I’m at in a week or so, still have some definition but the time off and lower calorie meals I definitely lost some weight, oh well now I can gain it all back. I need to close this log and make a cruise log to maintain for awhile.
Monday look for program and meal updates, similar but less calories and less reps on my lighter days
@man05 anitbiotics will throw you off bro :) you gotta get some probiotics and fermented foods in there asap now

lets see on monday waiting for you :)
@man05 anitbiotics will throw you off bro :) you gotta get some probiotics and fermented foods in there asap now

lets see on monday waiting for you :)
Been eating g kimchi, kiddie yogurt and lots of water finally feeling good.
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