My training partner wasnt there today so I couldn't video much...
(madcow 5x5)
65kgx5 (140lbs)
-(wide grip assisted pullups for 7 reps inbetween these sets)-
75kgx5 (168lbs)
-(wide grip assisted pullups for 7 reps inbetween these sets)-
90kgx5 (195lbs)
102.5kgx5 (224lbs) Fuck yeah! Great to be deadlifting again!!!!
-(wide grip assisted pullups for 10 reps after that set)-
When I did the madcow 5x5 last time I remember especially the first week being alot easier, I might have put in a little too much weight on the calculator site, at xmas I did 110kg (242lbs) for 6 reps, took a 1 month break from deads and managed 110kgx4, few weeks later injured my back boxing and had another 3 weeks off from deadlifting, then I did rack deads with 110kg for 5 reps, hard but could have got more, it wasnt near failure. I put in 110kgx5 on the 5x5 calculator site and this is what it gave me! Fuck it deads are meant to be hard I love it!
60kgx10 not to failure, last two reps kinda hard
80kgx6 - neither to failure
- I was fucking drained already now! Romanians get me out of breath so easily!
Weighted Dips:
-forgot to warmup L.O.L-
Bodyweight 179lbs + 25lbs extra weight x 7
Bodyweight 179lbs + 22lbs extra weight x 6 - going lower than previous set
Bodyweight 179lbs x 7 reps - these were hard, not much rest between sets, only 60 secs rest or less
Db Military:
Takes the piss - couldnt find the 40lb'ers anywere there was one next to the double crunch machine and the other one i couldnt find, I looked for about 5 mins so I decided to drop it to 35lbs and just do more reps
35lb db x 9 and a half - thought I could get ten but couldnt lock out the 10th rep - camera ran out of battery after this
35lb db x 8
35lb db x 7 - again, shorter rest between sets
55kgx8 or 9 cant remember but more weight next week though!
Underhand Chins:
Bodyweight 179 x 6 reps, x 6 reps, x 4 reps-each set supersetted with-
Standing Two Arm High Cable Curl - LOL
20lbs each hand x 21 reps - pretty much failure
20lbs each hand x 17 reps - pretty much failure
Instead of cheat curls Iv been enjoying doing that superset it pumps my biceps up like crazy