Today - last workout of 2nd week on 5x5
105 x 5
132 x 5
160 x 5
187 x 5
218 x 3
160 x 8
Benchpress all reps paused for 1-1.5 seconds
94 x 5
121 x 5
143 x 5
165 x 5
196 x 3
143 x 8
BB Row
66 x 5
83 x 5
105 x 5
121 x 5
141 x 3
105 x 8
bw x 3
bw + 61lbs x 25 second static hold at midpoint
bw x 16 slow negatives
EZ Bar Curl - w/ Fat Gripz
bar x 8
44lbs x 8
70lbs x 10
Decline Skullcrusher
bar x 8
55 x 8
99 x 8
stretching for chest and lats
-post workout shake-
15mins outdoor running
destroyed my squat, bench and row sets today. Making progress with the dips and curls and trying to find a tricep extension that I like. I might try some extensions with bands next week. Either way I want to just find an exercise and stick with it and get stronger at it asap...
105 x 5
132 x 5
160 x 5
187 x 5
218 x 3
160 x 8
Benchpress all reps paused for 1-1.5 seconds
94 x 5
121 x 5
143 x 5
165 x 5
196 x 3
143 x 8
BB Row
66 x 5
83 x 5
105 x 5
121 x 5
141 x 3
105 x 8
bw x 3
bw + 61lbs x 25 second static hold at midpoint
bw x 16 slow negatives
EZ Bar Curl - w/ Fat Gripz
bar x 8
44lbs x 8
70lbs x 10
Decline Skullcrusher
bar x 8
55 x 8
99 x 8
stretching for chest and lats
-post workout shake-
15mins outdoor running
destroyed my squat, bench and row sets today. Making progress with the dips and curls and trying to find a tricep extension that I like. I might try some extensions with bands next week. Either way I want to just find an exercise and stick with it and get stronger at it asap...