Iggy Im good man how are you? Not heard from you in a while. I'm cutting if you didn't know.
Guys I got some news. I'm changing my dieting approach now. Iv lost 40lbs and stalled, I've been hovering at 168-172 for the last 3 weeks now so it's time for a change. I'm no longer going to be carb cycling.
I'm dropping my carbs right down. I will be eating 1 carb meal per day, other than that the only carbs I will eat will be veg, I'll be eating a serving of veggies at every meal. Not starchy stuff. Spinach, peppers, broccoli, muchrooms, lettuce etc.
My fat intake is being brought back up. I'll be shooting for a 65/5/30 split of protein/carbs/fat for all my meals except the 1 higher carb meal.
When joe d told me about this the first thing that came to mind was a huge drop in strength since I can no longer carb up for workouts. But he says I probably won't loose alot of strength. Maybe this is because the higher fat intake will boost my total calorie intake up.
The other news is I am starting the 5/3/1. I'm excited and can't wait. However I won't be doing a benchpress day.
squat 5/3/1
leg curl
military 5/3/1
flat db press
deads 5/3/1
db pullover or bb row
I'll probably hit some abs on Mondays too