dude its reallyawesome to see how disciplined ur being on ur diet. Mad props to you broskavich
I get tired doing a 2 minute warm up on the treadmill
broskavich made me LOL haha
and thanks dude, I gotta say Im pretty pleased with my diet too! I cant wait to get back to "bulking", I feel that if I can keep these clean eating habits my gains in terms of size and strength should be so much better than before.
I fucking loath the treadmill man, 15-20mins on it post workout is all I can manage and I hate it.
But I was running outdoors in the snow in the morning when its quiet with hardly anyone else around down a bike track that used to be a railway, it cuts through fields and a small forest. Its much differant than riding a treadmill in the gym lol and it was actually pretty fun

(no gay)
Today - Chest, Shoulders, Tri's
(early morning workout)
Military Press
44 x 8
72 x 5
88 x 3
110 x 6 - sweet!
Flat DB Press
38.5's x 8
66's x 11
77's x 6
bw x 3
bw + 33lbs x 11
bw + 44lbs x 6
Flat DB Flye - short rest between sets
27.5's x 10
33's x 10
38.5's x 10
3 rounds of kettlebell circuit
3 rounds of dumbell complex
20-25mins (slow) outdoor walking
too icy to run or walk fast outdoors...
awesome workout! Set some great PR's and felt awesome!
then I go and read gladiator's log and he is pressing twice as much as me overhead lol