New member
That's crap.
I'm 5'8.5" and 233lbs stripped. My resting heart rate was taken as 64bpm today and that was after drinking a 5 hour energy. I had to go through a series of 4 max effort exercises on iso-kinetic machines and it was literally one of the hardest workouts I have ever done. Even after a 5rm on a simultaneous back extension/flexion maching where I was generating over 358lbs of force from the spinal erectors alone and over 170lbs on the flexion(think cable crunch) my heart rate didn't go past 132bpm and that's about 20 seconds of all out full force effort through the full range of the concentric and eccentric phases of the lift.
210lbs at 5'7" is not too big for your health unless your are a total fatass with zero cardio.
I'm not gonna bother saying why I think it's waste of time to be cutting, but I just wanted to clarify I don't agree with this.
I know a serious powerlifter who is 5'6" and 230lbs and he is built like a fuckin brick shit house.
I will admit I have not seen EM, so maybe he does look like a chubby fuck and has no cardio.
P.S. Sometimes it's difficult to hear the tough love which is what Andalite was doing. If you want to take it completely negative like that then that's your choice, but don't go complaining when you're still pushing shit weight a year from now.
I'm 5'8.5" and 233lbs stripped. My resting heart rate was taken as 64bpm today and that was after drinking a 5 hour energy. I had to go through a series of 4 max effort exercises on iso-kinetic machines and it was literally one of the hardest workouts I have ever done. Even after a 5rm on a simultaneous back extension/flexion maching where I was generating over 358lbs of force from the spinal erectors alone and over 170lbs on the flexion(think cable crunch) my heart rate didn't go past 132bpm and that's about 20 seconds of all out full force effort through the full range of the concentric and eccentric phases of the lift.
210lbs at 5'7" is not too big for your health unless your are a total fatass with zero cardio.
I'm not gonna bother saying why I think it's waste of time to be cutting, but I just wanted to clarify I don't agree with this.
I know a serious powerlifter who is 5'6" and 230lbs and he is built like a fuckin brick shit house.
I will admit I have not seen EM, so maybe he does look like a chubby fuck and has no cardio.
P.S. Sometimes it's difficult to hear the tough love which is what Andalite was doing. If you want to take it completely negative like that then that's your choice, but don't go complaining when you're still pushing shit weight a year from now.