New member
cant you guys figure it out? You know what a static hold is right? Well imagine hammer preacher curls... its a static hold at aprox the mid point of the ROM. Static training is good for arm wrestling and I did these a long time ago when I was too injured to do any curls or forearm stuff and saw a small increase in size in my forearms, namely the brachioradialis. They are killer when you're already fatigued as I was from gripper and deads (which I did double over on all reps btw) and I just felt like giving them a try.
Jdid what do you think would be hardest on my back 110x50 or 225x5... Its 90mins post workout Im at home and my legs still feel like jelly
Anyway I couldnt walk out of a lower session without having felt like I did any work so I thought well my back can support light weights so Ill just give it one set with 50kg, my original plan was just to go to 20 reps and have a light 20 rep set, but then 30 reps was close then I thought F it lets go to 50, it wasnt too hard either, my traps were burning like a mother after let alone my legs...
jdid nevermind getting "toned" I think a t-shirt that said "clusterfuck or die trying" would look good on you![]()
good shit

I clusterfucked my way to a Deadlift 355 and Squat 275 ATG

Also, bit hypocritical on the clusterfucking babe.
i actually chuckled at the clusterfuck or die trying. pretty good one