yeah! hopefully i can get some squat and deadlift videos up by january.
Im thinking with deadlifts Im just gonna start at 240x5 and go up in 10lb increments every 9 days, sumo box squats Im going to investigate with a bit then olympic squats Im going to start with somewere around 180 for 3 sets of 3 and see how it goes, so this will be like starting from a 20lbs deload for both squat and deadlift
a couple of miles, thing is I like to go late and so when I was ready and discovered it was so icy, by the time I had walked there I would have had barely any time. I wish I had walked though and just done my military press and chinups in the short amount of time I had, and it will be closed now
yeah bro i was trying to get more chest into the movement doing it the old way, but i actually felt it more in my delts and triceps. besides Im a little stronger this way and using a slight arch helps me keep my scapula tight