New member
hey bro, I have always gone heavy on deadlifts, 1-6 rep range and my back is probably my best muscle group, heavy deadlifts are the only back exercise that I have done since day 1. The reason I was doing 6x3 for deads today was for active recovery. My best deadlift is 319 and I got 325 to the knees but couldnt lock it out, this was at a bodyweight of 175. I love deadlifting heavy though and I dont think I would ever go above 8 reps unless I was doing some sort of crazy 20 rep deadlift challenge or somethign like that lol.
Lol it does feel good to know Im stronger than alot of people, and I would go as far to say Im the strongest kid in my school. Weightlifting is no were near as big over here amoungst school kids as it is over in the USA, to give you an idea Iv never heard of a high school ages sports team that include any sort of weight bearing exercises in the training, its unheard of over here.
Im thinking of posting pics just before I start a cutting diet before the summer, Im bulking right now as you might have guessed from the meal I posted above. Although this year I havnt made much progress in size gains, the first 4 months or so were great, I had a big growth spurt, but after that I was fucking around trying to loose bf and ended up not gained much mass at all. That has changed now. I've only got two pics of posing before I started lifting, but Ill try and find some of my on the beach or that sort of thing from before I was lifting.
"Everyone on here is proud of your training and the gains you've made so far" wow thanks bro, feels good to hear that lol
Dude do they really not lift for sports over in England? I would think that they would for sure lift for football or wrestling?