Oh right.. your lucky lol, Im like 22% bf so in a way this lifting Im doing is held back a little because it takes more muscle to show if you no what I mean.. but I cant be bothered with goingo n an extreme diet and doing fuck loads of cardio tbh, Im on a high protein and very low carb diet and just going by the fact that muscle is metabolic and hoping that running 2-3x a week and lifting 3x a week will be enough to drop to about 12-15% bf. Idk though..
Heres what I typically eat on a school day. Any tips or citicism would be good.
Upon Waking: Isotonic sports drink, protein shake, green tea, 1 cup coffee
Breakfast: 1whole egg+2egg whites with 2 slices brown bread. Somtimes wheatabix and pint of milk aswell, multiviatmin.
11.15. 3-4oz chicken, half packet cuz-cuz (about 35g slow carbs)
12.35 Innocent Smoothie, 1 box of mixed fruit (sliced pineapple, melon + kiwi) 1 organic peanut cereal bar, 1 capri sun juice drink, 2 beef burgers (if the have them at school that day)
4.15: 4oz steak (often bigger), 1 pepper, protein shake somtimes
Pre Workout: half a protein shake, 2 cups coffee, bowl of cereal
Immediatly Post Workout: 30g fast carbs
10 Mins Post Workout: Protein shake (31g protein)
6.00: Whatever mum cooks, but with extra meat
10.30: 1 Pint Milk, 2slices brown bread + 50g organic natural peanut butter (95% peanuts) Green Tea. 1 Pint water
11.00: Bed
Iv been shootin for 150+g of protein and tryin to keep carbs low, often when I eat meat its on its own or with vegatables which helps keepin carbs low. All meat is cooked with olive oill.
Hows that?