New member
Excellent work. I'm not totally sure you were 28% body fat in the beginning, but there is a big improvement. At least I expect 28% would look much worse. Change can help tremendously. Like all these guys have said. Dropping processed foods, cycling carbs, even adding some calories on certain days. Take a look at your lifting routine too. No reason you can switch up the rep range to something like 10X3 or whatever. Allows you to do more weight but still do the same number of reps as 3x10. Point being, that you change to stay ahead of your body's adaptation.
I have a 7 month old boy too, so I know what kind of dedication this must be taking. Good luck in the single digits!
I have a 7 month old boy too, so I know what kind of dedication this must be taking. Good luck in the single digits!