New member
Well, in a forum discussion that question would open a can of worms, but for me, yes. I am 6'2'', so I have a much different experience squatting than shorter lifters, as I have a long ass range of motion. What hacks do for me is keep my back straight, obviously, so I can focus more on hitting my quads than balancing a bar on my back. I always end up rounding my back when squatting, something I have tried working on, but I still always have to do it somewhat at the bottom of squats. Also, I can use a much more narrow stance on hacks, which brings my quads more into the motion than my hams, glutes and low back muscles that squats tax for me. I am now trying to master front squats, which I plan on rotating with hacks. Today's workout was not normal for me, I normally start with hacks or squats, then leg press, then leg ext., then walking DB lunges.