Previous split was a push, pull, leg day system. 3 times a week with no cardio. This will by new one and it is still geared towards maximum recuperation. My tri's might be a little sore the next day after working chest and shoulders but it's all good since I have a full 6 days of rest before hitting chest again anyway and my tri's are one of my stronger, better bodyparts that recover really fast.
Monday - off
Tuesday - back, biceps, forearms
Wednesday - abs, cardio, calves
Thursday - off
Friday - chest, shoulders
Saturday - triceps
Sunday - quads, hams(Usually I let deadlifits take care of this for the hams as I rarely ever do leg curls.), cardio
Monday - off
Tuesday - back, biceps, forearms
Wednesday - abs, cardio, calves
Thursday - off
Friday - chest, shoulders
Saturday - triceps
Sunday - quads, hams(Usually I let deadlifits take care of this for the hams as I rarely ever do leg curls.), cardio