Joe Stenson
New member
Borg4902 said:Dude whatever a lot of people like 90% still ate way way more then maitenence and lost. Dude get a clue. Its called nutrient timing. Everyting isnt cals = cals. Im getting tired of you close minded ways. Go read a damn book. Stop arguing just to argue. Its getting old. Knowone ever seems to agree with you. Maybe thats why you have a little bomb by your name. I dont know I dont care I wish I could block ever post you write so I didnt waste time reading the garbage you make up and try to scientifically back with loose jargon and rederick. Im outy. Got a life besides here.
Where did you get that 90% from?
Everything is not cals = cals, but that's the most important thing. I'm not the one who is close-minded. I have been presenting views that differ from the "norm" on THIS board (let me assure you different boards do not share the same views), and people have been rejecting them without any evidence as to why I'm wrong. That's not me being close-minded.
I always provide an explanation for what I state. Look hard and you won't find any kind of explanation provided by yourself, or will b huge, or whoever on any of these subjects. It's all just "this is the way I've done it in the past, it worked, so it must be the best". No. Wrong. There are different ways to skin a cat. I can get ripped eating 6 meals a day or 3 or 10. I can gain muscle training each bodypart once/week or three times/week. So can you. Just because you've only tried certain approaches does not mean they are the ONLY approaches.
And what I like is to debate things because of exactly what I said above: there isn't one "right" way. This is how people learn. People do not learn anything from random statements backed up by nothing but personal experience and emotion.
And I'm not here to start arguments. I'm trying to help out. I'm not the one who gained a bunch of weight "because I ate late night carbs", that was you. And I'm trying to explain to you WHY you gained that weight to prevent it from happening again.