Fast Twitch Fiber
New member
For the bench my best for one set of 5 was 275 at the beginning. I started week one at 245. My lifts so far have gone like this:
week 1 245 5x5
week 2 250 5x5
week 3 255 5x5
week 4 is next week, planning on going 260 5x5 if possible
Did I start too heavy? Should my rest between sets be increasing or should that remain the same? I did week 1 with about 2 minutes between sets but week 3 I had to slow the pace a bit more.
For the squat my best for one set of 5 was about 325. I started the 5x5 at 275 and have worked up to 290 for week 3. I'm starting to strain on the last set or sometimes last 2 sets in each workout. Is this the way it's supposed to be?
week 1 245 5x5
week 2 250 5x5
week 3 255 5x5
week 4 is next week, planning on going 260 5x5 if possible
Did I start too heavy? Should my rest between sets be increasing or should that remain the same? I did week 1 with about 2 minutes between sets but week 3 I had to slow the pace a bit more.
For the squat my best for one set of 5 was about 325. I started the 5x5 at 275 and have worked up to 290 for week 3. I'm starting to strain on the last set or sometimes last 2 sets in each workout. Is this the way it's supposed to be?