Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Most overrated exercises.......
Lord_Sustanon. First, let me congratulate you on your intelligent post. You truly are more knowledgebale than some people on here. Big congrats.
However I see a small hole in your logic (after cns adaptation, muscle will have to adapt).
Most people never reach their true strength potential. Also MANY people have enough strenth to lift cars (even women), they just dont know how to use it. So by trying to exhaust your strength pathway, lets just say its a long road. And 225 bench surely isnt that much. (most people cant even get that much up. who cares about 400+. )
And you can get very strong (in 1-5) rep range yet dont be big.
Seen Pavel Tsaotsaline? He is like 180 at most and he deadlifts 600 pounds. Now, that is on a pro level. 600 pounds might be easy for you to lift when you weight 250+, but at 180.... He does heavy compound movements going for strenth. Does he grow bigger and bigger muscles? no!
True, when a person is doing 400 pound bench, it DOES do a lot for him in terms of size/strength. But really, how much of us gonna get there? And how much time it would need us to get there to start expereincing quickest possible growth????
Muscle damage -
Yes weight damages muscle, so does the reps that you do. There isnt one way to damage your muscle! You can damage your muscle through lots of sets with lots of reps and little rest time.
Some more about isolation -
Many isolation exercises (pecdeck is prime example) lets you damage your targer muscle (chest) to a greater degree. Why?
Your bench fails because you weaker link (arms shoulders) fail. Chest is much stronger, more fibrous, and thus it becomes underworked while your arms get overworked. See? not that good. In pecdeck you fail WHEN you chest fails.
anyways. good reply you posted! People use him as an example of what an intelligent poster should be like!
Lord_Suston said:
SSAlexSS: Th reason most compound movement create such size increase if after CNS adaptation (coordination an such) which creates strength, which you are right on, is there is a a cooreltaion with muscle size and strength, IN AN INDIVIDUAL. now this is a very tricky concept, I know it took many years to understand. After you gain coordination, your body starts to grow by increasing myosin and actin, at a greater rate then before coordination. now the important thing is compound movement will tax your muscle greater than a isolated movement becasue of the greater amount of stress place on the muscle, since this is weight related. By taxing your muscle more, your body will grow mre in response to the greater amount of microtears in the fibers of the muscle. This will also cause a release of GH and test. So Higher weight= more tears when training intensly= more growth. But much of this is due to positive failure, because in this state the myosin head and actin are almost fully contracted and are sustaining microtears due to the insufficent ATP in the muscle. Since ATP is depletd faster in compund movement because of the greater demand muscle suffer more stress easier...
Lord_Sustanon. First, let me congratulate you on your intelligent post. You truly are more knowledgebale than some people on here. Big congrats.
However I see a small hole in your logic (after cns adaptation, muscle will have to adapt).
Most people never reach their true strength potential. Also MANY people have enough strenth to lift cars (even women), they just dont know how to use it. So by trying to exhaust your strength pathway, lets just say its a long road. And 225 bench surely isnt that much. (most people cant even get that much up. who cares about 400+. )
And you can get very strong (in 1-5) rep range yet dont be big.
Seen Pavel Tsaotsaline? He is like 180 at most and he deadlifts 600 pounds. Now, that is on a pro level. 600 pounds might be easy for you to lift when you weight 250+, but at 180.... He does heavy compound movements going for strenth. Does he grow bigger and bigger muscles? no!
True, when a person is doing 400 pound bench, it DOES do a lot for him in terms of size/strength. But really, how much of us gonna get there? And how much time it would need us to get there to start expereincing quickest possible growth????
Muscle damage -
Yes weight damages muscle, so does the reps that you do. There isnt one way to damage your muscle! You can damage your muscle through lots of sets with lots of reps and little rest time.
Some more about isolation -
Many isolation exercises (pecdeck is prime example) lets you damage your targer muscle (chest) to a greater degree. Why?
Your bench fails because you weaker link (arms shoulders) fail. Chest is much stronger, more fibrous, and thus it becomes underworked while your arms get overworked. See? not that good. In pecdeck you fail WHEN you chest fails.
anyways. good reply you posted! People use him as an example of what an intelligent poster should be like!